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April 2024

Not an easy season this year: we are often forced to close the nets due to persistent bad weather. Several thunderstorms and windstorms hit the island (as well as they hit the peninsula), hindering ringing activities.

In fact, with adverse conditions, capture activities stop, not only because the birds move to a much lesser extent than usual, but also because every procedure must be carried out placing the health and well-being of the animals as a priority, and wind and rain can pose a risk to birds that end up in the nets.

Between one less profitable day and another, there is no shortage of reward: we have in fact ringed the second Savi's warbler in the history of the station ( Locustella luscinioides) .

Another record is that of the 10 Nightjars (Caprimulgus europaeus) ringed in a single evening at the end of April, arriving in our nets together with three Scops owls (Otus scops), both typically crepuscular/nocturnal species.

We are heading towards the peak of migration, and in fact, on the days when the weather allows us to leave the nets open, the catches become more abundant: the record is set on April 26th with 1058 birds ringed in one day.

We are also in the period when a higher diversity of species can be captured. Below are some photos of some specimens ringed in the last weeks: Turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur), Swift (Apus apus), Calandra lark (Melanocorypha calandra), Common rock thrush (Monticola saxatilis), Woodchat shrike (Lanius senator).

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