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End of season 2023

In these days we have been busy on the gradual closure of the station: today was the last morning of catches dominated by the presence of the Icterine warbler (Hippolais icterina). During the day we will proceed with the dismantling of the last remaining nets.

The last few weeks of catching have been challenging for reasons related to both the weather and the intensity of the migration over the island of Ponza.

Indeed, numerous rain fronts followed one another, bringing wind and cold at the station. In moments of respite from bad weather, the numbers of birds ringed were abundant considering the opening time windows of the nets, with figures around 200-600 per day. For a couple of years, in fact, in the second half of May there has been an abundant passage diluted over several successive days, where the most common species are Garden warbler (Sylvia borin), Icterine warbler (Hippolais icterina), Spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata) and Whitethroat (Sylvia communis).

Among the catches of the last week there was also the surprise of a Hobby (Falco subbuteo), a bird of prey that had been noticed flying not far from our station and was finally captured and ringed in the late afternoon of the same day.

This year, the catches of Golden orioles (Oriolus oriolus) were extraordinarily numerous, so much so that 85 individuals were ringed in a single day.

It was an intense season but full of satisfactions, and despite the weather putting us to the test, thanks to the precious presence of volunteers and people who support us, we managed to obtain excellent results.

It's always difficult to end the season and close the station for the current year, and so after a little well-deserved rest we'll get to work thinking about the season that awaits us next year!

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